How do I make sure my iRPickPRO simulation rate is not over estimated?

When doing a simulation in Roboguide IRPickPRO, you will need to add delays to the virtual robot to ensure that you are not over estimating the throughput of a real robot.  There are a few simple changes that should be made to your virtual workcell.  The first item to change is the rate of the simulated parts, the second is to add delays in the TP program PK_MAIN1.

In the cell browser, you need to double click the conveyors (e.g. InFeed1, OutFeed1) and choose the "Feed Rate" tab.  Increase the rate by 20%.  Ex: If you are running 60 parts per minute, enter 72 (60 * 1.2 = 72)

The next items to add are delay timers in PK_MAIN1.  You will be adding a 40msec wait before the calls for the pick and the drop routine.

You will insert the code "WAIT .04 (sec)" on the line prior to "CALL PK_PICK1" and another "WAIT .04 (sec)" on the line prior to "CALL PK_DROP1".

Now your simulation should not over estimate the workcell throughput.